Chasing Nonsuch Falls

“It feels good to be lost in the right direction.”

The one place that truly speaks to my soul, and I love the most is Portland. The waterfalls motivate me beyond measure. I eat, sleep, and breathe it. It’s so close to my heart.


Portland is the one place that speaks to my soul. Hence why it’s my favorite parish on the island. I breathe, eat and sleep the beautiful waterfalls that exist in Portland because they inspire me beyond measure. I’m hungry to explore Portland like a flash more and to bring it to life through my photos.

Searching for  Nonsuch Falls

Searching for Nonsuch Falls

I 'm always searching for places to visit in Jamaica that is extremely close to where I live which is in East Kingston. This is because it's more affordable to travel to nearby parishes. I get to discover ten new places in a month compared to two if I ventured west of the island.



I stumbled upon a picture of a falls in Portland call Nonesuch Falls. I am very impatient when I discover there is somewhere new to explore. I asked my Co-worker, Mrs Venice Chin-See Parchment, about the falls because she’s from Portland. She knew about the falls but she hasn’t been there in a while so her directions were not as clear. Off I went with little knowledge about where I'm going. Not that even a picture which was so unlike me. So reckless. I know, I know.


I didn't utilize my mobile service on my phone because it's too expensive and I hate using my phone in public because it draws unwanted attention. Also, my phone is what I used to take my pictures so it would be a disaster if I was supposed to lose it.


On May 12, 2018, I did something big and scary. I journeyed to Port Antonio on a coaster bus located in South Odeon Avenue in Half Way Tree. When I got to my final stop which was in Port Antonio, I asked the driver of the Portland bus where do I get a taxi to the community of Nonsuch. He pointed to the gas station on Foreshore Road across from the bus park.


I approached the gas station and immediately I got a taxi. I asked the driver if he knew where Nonsuch Falls was and he said yes. I instantly offered him to be my tour guide and he accepted for a price of course.


So off we went to discover a fall that I've been longing to meet. The journey to Nonsuch brought up conversations about, politics religion etc.


We got to our final stop which was called falling. The journey to the falls was scary as fuck. I couldn't wait to reach. I tried taking a few pictures on my way to the falls but it was pointless. Mosquitoes were coming from all angles. I said to myself, my time on Earth is finally ending. Pretty dramatic right? Then I heard him saying, “We are here.” so I asked, “where is the fall?” He was silent. I was at the top of the instead of the bottom.


 I was upset at him but more at myself for being so unprepared. I still paid the tour fee and went back home disappointed. I was prepared for my next visit. I Packed clothes, shoes, mosquito repellent and directions to the falls including pictures from the night before. 


I approach the gas station again this time I went to the pump A-tent pump attendant and ask him if he knew Nonsuch falls and he said no. He asked his friend and ask him if he knew where Nonsuch Fall was and he said yes. I told him I wanted a tour guide and he offered his services.

We took a taxi going to Boston Beach. Our final stop was at a mini restaurant on the main road. Across from a mini restaurant, there was a narrow track which leads through to community of Nonesuch. I came to realize that's my “supposed” tour guide didn't know where the fall was but was willing to find someone who did. I waiting for about five minutes then we went through the narrow dirt road to meet the official tour guide


 I saw a Rastaman approaching us. We did our introduction and off went to explore this hidden gem. I saw so many different fruits such as coconuts, oranges, mangoes, breadfruits just to name a few.

We cross a Mini bridge then an orange house that was pretty big. We then continued through a coconut field.


We then approach the river that had no water. I was shocked. The guide said the lack of heavy rainfall and the river changing its course. We walk through the river bed which was an extremely difficult task for me. Mosquitoes came out in their numbers and I kept slipping.


 I had to be using my hands to ensure that I didn't fall on my face. I have never been so tired and scared about any adventure that I have been on. It was like I went on a suicide mission.


The guide said the Mini falls I was seeing was evidence that the fall was near. But I so wanted to go home. I pushed on because I came so far. I climbed slippery rocks, got fell a few times but I knew it would be worth it in the end. 


The hike came to an end after 45 minutes explored another untouched gem; I felt pretty great. I finally got close up and personal with Nonsuch falls. It was trickling but a huge pool was below.  I started taking my photos and thinking to myself how amazing nature is.



We took a different route which was through the hills. I was so happy he did.


Would you visit NonSuch Falls? If you did, what was your experience like?


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About the author

Whatta Gwaan!

You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.